Our Mission

To be known internationally as a first choice exporter of high quality Australian consumer agri-foods that provide a sustainable food source to meet the demands of growing populations.

We create long term value for our stakeholders through:

  • Maximising our business reach through knowledge, creativity and collaboration.
  • Building high trust long term relationships that increase the profitability of our partners
  • Ensuring our customers and consumers are delighted by the quality of our products, the service we offer and our innovative and reputable brands.
  • Our extensive networks and existing relationships that directly benefit our trading partners.
  • Our employees being treated with honesty, integrity and respect, and at the same time being highly motivated to provide customer service excellence.

We are:

  • Entrepreneurial and growth orientated
  • Continuously learning and leveraging knowledge and industry skills
  • Creative and innovative
  • Effective risk managers with experience in working in a culture of compliance
  • Collaborators within and beyond the company
  • Relationship builders who build long-term partnerships based on open communication
  • Trustworthy and act with integrity.

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