Product Description
International consumers value Australian dairy products extremely highly for quality and safety. This is particularly important for dairy products, given their universal appeal in meeting the nutritional needs of babies and toddlers.
With one of the fastest growing dairy appetites in the world, demand for top quality dairy nutrition in China is expected to double in the next 10 years.Better nutritional value, food safety and ingredient integrity are the key priorities for Chinese food consumers.Agri-foods from trustworthy sources that are quality tested is paramount in influencing the buying decision.
There is also a big shift in the demand for food types that offer a variety of texture sand tastes. This desire increases as more people,especially in Asia and the Middle East enter the middle classes,and are open to buying high quality goods from trusted and reliable sources. Consumers in these regions are also demanding a variety of conveniently packaged and processed products such as cheeses.
Auzzie Food Exports is heavily scaling up for this expected increase in demand across global markets. We are working in close partnership with Australian manufacturers, marketers and distributors to develop dairy product solutions that provide us with the capacity to secure a consistent supply of goods constantly in demand at competitive prices.
We provide a premium range of Australian milk powders, dairy products and cheeses that are specifically targeted to individual customers and application requirements.
Our customers trust us for our emphasis on safety and quality as well as our ability to deliver on what we promise. We are innovative and can adapt quickly to the changing needs of our customers.
Our activities are underpinned by a commitment to uphold our reputation as a high quality dairy exporter focused on sustainably meeting our customer’s needs so they can provide safe and nutritious foods.
Milk powders are available as skim milk powder, whole milk powder and specialised nutritional powders. Each has specific attributes and are produced to the most stringent standards to ensure consistency in product functionality and quality.
Ideal for reconstitution into liquid milk, these powders have the same levels of protein and carbohydrate as fresh milk and can also be used in the manufacture of food products.
We also provide a variety of cheese products.Other dairy products are available on request.
Minimum order quantities apply.
Cobus Bester – :
This album proves why The Woo are the best band ever. Best music ever!
Maria – :
Can’t wait to start mixin’ with this one! Irba-irr-Up-up-up-up-date your theme!